There will be a stay and play session on Wednesday 4th December 11am-11.30am for prospective parents and children to come and spend some time in our Reception class.
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Consultation on Admission Arrangements for 2026/27.


In accordance with the requirements of the 2021 School Admissions Code, the Bath and Wells Multi Academy Trust (The Admission Authority) is consulting on proposals to alter the Admission Arrangements for Kilmersdon Church School for 2026/27. 


It is intended that the revised Admission Arrangements will be introduced with effect from 1st September 2026.


You may view the proposed School Admission Arrangements along with the launch notice (which details the changes proposed, and how you can comment) here -


The consultation will open on 2nd December 2024 and will close on 20th January 2025.

Would you like your child to attend Kilmersdon?

If you would like your child to attend our school, please see full details of our admission arrangements below. 