At Kilmersdon, we aim to stimulate a child’s curiosity in finding out why things happen in the way they do. We teach methods of enquiry and investigation to stimulate creative thought. Children learn to ask scientific questions and begin to appreciate the way science will affect their future on a personal, national and global level.
We use the Plan Bee scheme to teach our curriculum which fosters a healthy curiosity about our universe and promotes respect for the living and non-living. We believe science encompasses the acquisition of knowledge, concepts, skills and positive attitudes. Throughout the programmes of study, the children acquire and develop the key knowledge that has been identified within each unit and across each year group, as well as the application of scientific skills.
During their time in the EYFS we encourage interactions with the outdoors to foster curiosity and give children freedom to touch, smell and hear the natural world around them during hands-on experiences. Through this, children develop their vocabulary and build on what they already know. Children investigate the school site and local area at different times of the year, making observations of seasonal changes and experiencing different weather for themselves. Kilmersdon children are fortunate to have a wealth of wildlife from the countryside around school and the neighbouring farmland. The children regularly engage in gardening activities; planting a variety of seeds and bulbs, caring for plants and watching them grow. They use their senses in their herb garden, and explore properties of different materials in the mud/potion making kitchen. We deepen knowledge and build on their curiosity through sustained shared thinking. Through a range of child led investigation and guided group work children develop investigative, prediction and problem solving skills; these often stem from stories that we have read together in class. The children have the opportunity to bake each term which builds on their understanding of changing states of matter. Children learn to discover facts from a range of sources including non-fiction books and technology. There is a ‘Discovery Area’ in our continuous provision which promotes curiosity and conversation and increases their vocabulary. As part of the EYFS ‘Physical Development’ we learn about how to keep our bodies healthy – physical activity, healthy eating, looking after our teeth and personal hygiene. Children come into school knowing many of the main body parts and we extend their knowledge during discussion, rhymes and looking at books.