***** Friday 10th January - School is OPEN - Icy conditions please travel carefully *****
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Lunch Menus

The school dinner menu up to the February half term 2025 is now available to book on ParentPay. 


For information on how to book school dinners on ParentPay, see the FAQ page at the bottom of this page.

Under the Universal Infant Free School Meals initiative all children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 may receive a hot meal without charge if they choose to. Those not covered by UIFSM, ie Key Stage 2 pupils, can receive a hot meal at a cost of £2.88. Many pupils choose to have a cooked meal at lunchtime.  Our Catering Provider, Edwards & Ward, prepare a range of healthy options on a daily basis.


Dinner menus are posted on ParentPay with 5 to 6 weeks available to book in one go if parents prefer. Menu selections and payment must be made a week in advance on Parentpay, the deadline is Wednesday at midnight the week before the menu commences. This is to ensure the Kitchen has accurate production numbers and therefore we minimise waste. If you have missed the deadline for menu submissions, please contact the school office. 


School Menus

Booking School Meals FAQs
