Our Mathematics curriculum is delivered through Power Maths and in EYFS and KS1 Mastering Number. Through this, children develop a secure knowledge of facts and formulae including Number Bonds, Times Tables, Doubles, Halves, Area and Perimeter. They apply this knowledge either independently or with support to different mathematical methods, including part whole, column addition and subtraction, long and short division and multiplication. Power Maths provide a mastery approach with a strong focus on the use of CPA (concrete, pictorial, abstract methods) to support children’s understanding of mathematical concepts. Children are encouraged to use strategies they are comfortable and secure with, as well as use mental strategies whenever possible. There is clear time and effort placed on children learning number facts including multiplication tables. The Calculations Policy ensures that children are taught the 4 operations using appropriate models and images, progressing to become proficient mathematicians who are confident in manipulating numbers. There is a strong emphasis on children learning the necessary skills and vocabulary in order to explain and reason about mathematics. They are asked to explain and describe their mathematical thinking and strategies at an appropriate level throughout their learning.
Power Maths and Mastering Number are used to provide children with a firm foundation and continuity of learning into the National Curriculum. Daily whole class maths sessions are taught and followed up by adult led groupwork. Children’s interest and engagement with maths is supported through provision; including a maths area where children can select and explore resources. Children have the opportunity to explore, develop and embed their maths skills during child-initiated learning and daily challenges are available on the maths table. We provide regular opportunities in our outdoor area where adults ‘feed’ previously taught mathematical themes and vocabulary into their play and interaction with children which deepens knowledge and application. Staff identify and support children that need extra help to enable them to embed new concepts and make progress. Most of mathematics in EYFS is practical, however children have the opportunity to record some of their work – this is kept in individual maths folders. Children are also taught to write their numerals in preparation for Year One.